RTX3060TIVENTUS3X8GOCLHR MSI Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060 TI Ventus 3X 8G OC LHR Graphics Card  8GB GDDR6 256bit Memory PCI Epr

RTX3060TIVENTUS3X8GOCLHR MSI Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060 TI Ventus 3X 8G OC LHR Graphics Card 8GB GDDR6 256bit Memory PCI Epr

MSI Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060 TI Ventus 3X 8G OC LHR Graphics Card 8GB GDDR6 256bit Memory PCI Epress Gen 4.0 Core Clocks Boost 1695MHz 1 HDMI 3 DisplayPort Retail Bo 2 year Limited warranty
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MSI Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060 TI Ventus 3X 8G OC LHR Graphics Card 8GB GDDR6 256bit Memory PCI Epress Gen 4.0 Core Clocks Boost 1695MHz 1 HDMI 3 DisplayPort Retail Bo 2 year Limited warranty
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