RTX3060TIGAMINGX8GB MSI Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060 Ti GAMING X 8G LHR Graphics Card  8GB GDDR6 256bit Memory PCI Epress

RTX3060TIGAMINGX8GB MSI Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060 Ti GAMING X 8G LHR Graphics Card 8GB GDDR6 256bit Memory PCI Epress

MSI Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060 Ti GAMING X 8G LHR Graphics Card 8GB GDDR6 256bit Memory PCI Epress Gen 4.0 Core Clocks Boost 1770MHz HDMI 1 DisplayPort 3 Retail Bo 2 year Limited warranty
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MSI Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060 Ti GAMING X 8G LHR Graphics Card 8GB GDDR6 256bit Memory PCI Epress Gen 4.0 Core Clocks Boost 1770MHz HDMI 1 DisplayPort 3 Retail Bo 2 year Limited warranty
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